Does learning about Earth's past change us?
does learning about earth's past change us?. .
Does learning about Earth's past change us?
evolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
Great idea. Thank you.
new world translation - variantstentative translations below.
you native language experts can probably do better than me.
if so, help yourself.. matthew 24.3, english edition: “what will be the sign of... the conclusion of the system of things?”french, 1987: “quel sera le signe de… la conclusion du système de choses” (...the system of things)french revised: “quel sera le signe de… la période finale du monde?” (…the final period of the world)german revised: “und den abschluss des weltsystems erkennen?” (the conclusion of the world system)spanish revised: “qué señal habrá... de la conclusión del sistema?” (…conclusion of the system)matthew 24.45, "the faithful and discreet slave":italian revised: “lo schiavo fedele e saggio” = “the faithful and wise slave”portuguese revised: “o escravo fiel e prudente” = “the faithful and prudent slave”spanish revised, “el esclavo fiel y prudente” = “the faithful and prudent slave”matthew 25.46,(english edition), “cutting-off” contrasted with “everlasting life” in the same verse.
Thanks for the details, Earnest.
As we both point out, the WTS's NT is based on the 19th century Greek text created by "interesting" people.
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
If the WTS abhorred child abuse they would have signed up to the redress scheme in Australia. Their absence is regularly noted.
Just like the Roman Catholic Church, where each is only concerned for its own image rather than with justice or for the care of children.
new world translation - variantstentative translations below.
you native language experts can probably do better than me.
if so, help yourself.. matthew 24.3, english edition: “what will be the sign of... the conclusion of the system of things?”french, 1987: “quel sera le signe de… la conclusion du système de choses” (...the system of things)french revised: “quel sera le signe de… la période finale du monde?” (…the final period of the world)german revised: “und den abschluss des weltsystems erkennen?” (the conclusion of the world system)spanish revised: “qué señal habrá... de la conclusión del sistema?” (…conclusion of the system)matthew 24.45, "the faithful and discreet slave":italian revised: “lo schiavo fedele e saggio” = “the faithful and wise slave”portuguese revised: “o escravo fiel e prudente” = “the faithful and prudent slave”spanish revised, “el esclavo fiel y prudente” = “the faithful and prudent slave”matthew 25.46,(english edition), “cutting-off” contrasted with “everlasting life” in the same verse.
No one knows what was originally written. No one alive, that is.
I do not know which source was used for the NWT OT.
The text that the KJV NT is based on is known as the Textus Receptus, prepared in some haste by Erasmus. I leave you to Google for information about him and that text.
A couple of 19th century Christendom priests decided they did not like the Textus Receptus, so they produced their own. Their surnames were Westcott and Hort. It is very interesting to search the www with expressions such as: Westcott Hort beliefs.
After seeing what these two Trinitarians were up to, note that "The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures" states that its Greek text comes from Westcott and Hort.
More recent NT texts are available, such as Nestle/Aland.
They might have come from the original languages -- Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, etc., but that does not guarantee the veracity of those sources, which requires the expertise of scholars in Lower (Textual) Criticism, such as Emanuel Tov.
new world translation - variantstentative translations below.
you native language experts can probably do better than me.
if so, help yourself.. matthew 24.3, english edition: “what will be the sign of... the conclusion of the system of things?”french, 1987: “quel sera le signe de… la conclusion du système de choses” (...the system of things)french revised: “quel sera le signe de… la période finale du monde?” (…the final period of the world)german revised: “und den abschluss des weltsystems erkennen?” (the conclusion of the world system)spanish revised: “qué señal habrá... de la conclusión del sistema?” (…conclusion of the system)matthew 24.45, "the faithful and discreet slave":italian revised: “lo schiavo fedele e saggio” = “the faithful and wise slave”portuguese revised: “o escravo fiel e prudente” = “the faithful and prudent slave”spanish revised, “el esclavo fiel y prudente” = “the faithful and prudent slave”matthew 25.46,(english edition), “cutting-off” contrasted with “everlasting life” in the same verse.
"for" Babylon at Jeremiah 29:10
what would the outcome be among people at this site if we were able to conduct a poll on belief in evolution or in creation?.
what would the outcome be if at the same time we asked for religious affiliation (including formal, informal, or none)?
Apologies. I am wondering mostly about belief in Evolution or in Creation. My , the second question is subsidiary to that. In other words, I wondered whether people here had hung onto Creation even though they had removed themselves from a form of religion.
what would the outcome be among people at this site if we were able to conduct a poll on belief in evolution or in creation?.
what would the outcome be if at the same time we asked for religious affiliation (including formal, informal, or none)?
What would the outcome be among people at this site if we were able to conduct a poll on belief in Evolution or in Creation?
What would the outcome be if at the same time we asked for religious affiliation (including formal, informal, or none)?
Somewhere among thing I picked up along the highway of life is a leaflet given to me on the 1970s. A diagram showed that a destructive asteroid was imminent and there was thus the need to repent.
Nothing happened then either.
Not everyone says that Christ died on a Friday or that it took place at Passover in April, preferring the Day of Atonement (Yon Kippur) in Sept/Oct.
You are not alone in making such speculative predictions. History is strewn with unfulfilled expectations, with people famous, such as Isaac Newton, and people unknown. The list of expected imminent divine interventions run from at least as early as the 3rd century BCE, and includes writings now considered to be Scripture.
The lesson that history teaches is that people do not learn the lesson that history teaches.
i am hopeful that next week i will be able to provide the second of my critiques into the brochure, "the origin of life".. in the meantime, as a sampler, here is my critique of the brochure's endnote 51.. .
I am hopeful that next week I will be able to provide the second of my Critiques into the brochure, "The Origin of Life".
In the meantime, as a sampler, here is my Critique of the Brochure's Endnote 51.